Child Support

Child Support Lawyers and Family Law Attorneys in Ventura County

Child Support Lawyers and Family Law Attorneys in Ventura County

Child Support in Ventura County, California

Divorce is a complicated process, especially when children are involved. Child support is a monthly payment that parents make to help cover the costs of raising a child. California state law says that every parent has a duty to financially support his or her child. Child support may be requested by either parent of a child, or by the person that has legal or physical custody of the child.

In Ventura County California, the child support is determined based on a mathematical computation set forth depends on California’s child support guidelines. Some of the many factors include income, child care costs, health insurance are considered when determining child support. Child support is calculated based on a complicated equation. California family courts look at two major factors when calculating child support:

  • Each parent’s income
  • Time spent by each parent with the child/children

Typically, parents must pay child support until the child reaches 18 years of age. California family law court bases child support on a parent’s “net disposable income”; which means the parent’s income after state and federal taxes. The court may award support based in part on bonuses, commissions, overtime and other supplemental or non-wage income if the court determines this income is regularly occurring.

Parents can make their own agreement for child support, but the agreement must be submitted to the court for review and approval. Not only to save the money but also to avoid the emotional court battle, it is best to pursue a stipulated child support order outside of court. To ensure you make the best decision for your family, consult with our Ventura County, California divorce attorneys at the Law Offices of Cathleen E. Norton.